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Student-Led Clubs and Societies

All our Clubs and Societies are student-led and free to join! If you'd like to join one or more, please fill in this form.

Once you have submitted this form, you will be added to the relevant email group(s) Please allow 7 days for this. You will get a email to confirm once your have been added to the requested groups.

If you don't hear anything from the Clubs or Societies after some time, please contact the Lead(s) as listed on this page in the first instance, but feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions or issues after this.

If you would like to set up your own club or society, please email with more information.

Book Club

Club Lead: Grace Palmer

Book Club is a friendly space where students can get together to discuss books and bookish topics. If you want to take a break from reading dense academic texts with something light and fun, and make new friends who you can talk to about bookish things, our club is the place for you!

Cinema Society

Society Lead: Taj Ragoo

The AUP Cinema Society is all about making cinema available to everyone. We're a group of like-minded friends who simply and genuinely enjoy the fun of cinema.

Join in on Instagram @cinemasocietyaup

Dungeons and Dragons Society

Society Lead: Izzie Hewett-Cartmell, Rae Weblin and Nate Beveridge

Find fellow adventurers and learn everything you need to know about Dungeons & Dragons. Whether you want to start a campaign, join one, or just meet like-minded people, this society is here for you!

To join the society discord, please contact a society lead.

Fashion and Life Drawing Society

Society Leads: Maggie Powell and Ruby Bradshaw

Weekly, student led life drawing classes with clothed models taking place in The Drawing Lab on Wednesday mornings from 10am - 1pm. All courses and skill levels are encouraged to come and draw or you can volunteer as a model and gain experience in this field.

Easels and materials provided on a first-come-first-serve basis. We hope to see you there!

Join in on Instagram @aup_fashionandlifedrawing

LGBTQ+ Society

Society Lead: Dan Beedie

Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community or simply just a friend of the community who wants to be more involved? Even if you're not sure but want to join in, everyone's welcome!

Join in on Instagram @aup_lgbtq

Mature Student Society

Society Lead: Helen 'H' Butland

Did you know that if you are 21 or over when you start your undergraduate studies you are classed as a Mature Student? Age is just a number though, what we all need is friendship and connection. So if you would like to get together for chat, feedback and networking with other students across the University, then join us!

Photographic Society

Society Leads: Helen "H" Butland, Anna Leader and Freya Fairhurst

As creative people, we all express ourselves visually. Whether photography is your primary medium or it supports another discipline, join us for workshops, socials, a monthly competition and more!

Join in on Instagram @aup_photographic_society

Ski Society

Society Leads: Thomas Gormley and Katie Ethell

A society for people who want to go on skiing trips! Join us on Instagram:

Video Game Society

Society Lead: Lucy Parnell

We are still awaiting information about this society, please check back later.

Adopt a Soc

We also have a number of previously popular clubs and societies that no longer have someone to lead them. Are you interested in taking over a Society? Drop us an email to if any of the following take your fancy:

Board Game Society

Christian Union

Cosplay Society

Creative Writing Society

Crochet Society

Critique Club

Event Society

Football Society

Hot Girl Walk Society

K-Pop Society

Lego Society

Music Society

Musical Theatre Society

Neurodiverse Society

Pokémon Society

Rock Climbing Society

Sea Swim Society

Skate Society

The Taylor Swift Appreciation Society

Witchcraft Society

Zine Society

Why Not Start Your Own?

Start your own club or society with just 6-10 signatures!

Don't see anything that takes your fancy here, why not make your own? Email us at for more information and how to get started.

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