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Student Voice

Interested in making your voice heard?

So you want to be more engaged? Want to make your voice heard? Join the team of amazing Student Representatives working hard to put across your views and making positive changes across the Arts University Plymouth community. Each course has 2 Student Representatives and 1 Reserve Student Representative in each year cohort, who volunteer for the role at the start of each year and are decided upon by the members of their class.


In previous years, Student Representatives have achieved everything from making getting upgraded equipment in the ERC, Students' Union renovations, sanitary pins in the men's toilets and more!


Student Representative
Role Profile

As a Student Representative your job is to represent the views and opinions of your peers and the wider student body at a variety of forums.

  • Be a member of the Student Council 

  • Communicate information about students’ rights

  • Attend all Student Voice and SSFM (Staff Student Feedback Meetings) 

  • Lead and support on the End of Trimester Evaluations, Induction Survey and National Student Survey

  • Liaise with members of your cohort to ensure your course is being delivered in line with learning and teaching quality and standards

  • Promote the value of the Students’ Union and the other services provided by the University

  • Play an active part in the Students’ Union to help make a positive change within our community 

  • Instigate discussions for events and activities, clubs and society ideas, etc.

  • Raise any feedback from your peers around student experience to the appropriate staff and forums

  • Refer any issues or grievances to the Students’ Union that may require action at a higher level

  • To be a representative for and help to shape the University, driving and supporting the change and strategies within.

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