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Sexual Health

Free Condoms

The Students' Union provides a range of condoms, available for free from outside the Student Union Office at Tavistock Place.


There are also a number of local schemes that offer free condoms, which you can find out more about here.


Free Pregnancy Tests

The Students' Union has free pregnancy tests available for those who may need them. These can be collected from the Student Union Office. You are welcome to email us ahead of popping in, to ensure someone will be around for you to access these.


STI and HIV Testing

Derriford Hospital is the main Sexual Health in Plymouth (SHiP) hub. 

They offer STI testing and treatment, HIV care, routine and emergency contraception, and abortion services. The G.U.M. (Genito-Urinary Medicine) clinic is an NHS run clinic for all aspects of sexual health. Find out more here.


The Zone's sexual health service can offer help with condoms and lube, emergency contraception, contraception options and advice, pregnancy testing, chlamydia testing, sexual health advice, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and referrals to other services. Find out more here.

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