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Your Feedback

There are multiple ways for you to feedback to staff members about your experience around the University. We want you to know that they are always being monitored and we make actions regularly.

Here are the ways that you can have your say:

  • Student Voice - Speak to your Student Representatives and provide them with written feedback. 

  • Staff Student Feedback Meetings (SSFM's) - Contact your course leader for information on when the next meeting will be.

  • Student Representatives - In addition to at Student Voice and SSFM meetings, Student Representatives can also independently raise a concern or question to the relevant staff member.

  • Students' Union Suggestion Form - You can find this here.

  • Students' Union Suggestions Box - This is an anonymous box with paper slips located in the Students' Union.

  • Speak directly to the Students Union - email us or drop into the Student Union Office during office hours to speak to your Student Union President about any questions, concerns or suggestions relating to any area of your University experience.

  • Course Surveys - These questionnaires are produced to give you the opportunity to evaluate your course and specific units within it. You may comment anonymously on various aspects of your unit delivery, e.g. content, structure, presentation, workload, and provision of resources.

  • Induction Survey - During your first year you will be invited to complete a short survey about your induction process, from interview and enrolment to IT and Students' Union information.

  • National Student Survey (NSS) - provided during your final year of study. This is your opportunity to have an impact and to reflect on your overall satisfaction of the college services, and your program.

  • Graduate Outcomes Survey - Replacing the DLHE (Destination of Leavers in Higher Education) this will be a survey sent out to you 15 months after graduating.


  • Your voice matters, speak up and help to craft your experience.

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