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AUP Students' Union

Harriet Moore take over

What made you want to join the Executive Committee? 

I was already a Student Rep and Student Ambassador but I wanted to be more involved within the college. As I engaged more with the Students’ Union, I realised that being a part of the team was something I felt passionate about. I met with Rowena in the summer of 2018 to talk about how to be more involved within the SU and she told me about the different roles within the Executive Committee.

Why did you choose your particular role? 

I wanted to help give the SU more of a presence and a bigger voice in the college community, and felt I could help do that through improving the SU social media and working with Paige to run events based on what students wanted. 

What has been your favourite part of being on the Executive Committee? 

That’s a hard question because I’ve enjoyed so much of the past couple of years with both of the teams. I think what I enjoy most is being a part of a passionate team who all want to help make PCA a better place for us all, I have big love for all of the members I’ve worked with from both years. I can’t pick a favourite, but I have enjoyed making a positive impact to PCA and the wider community through events and charity fundraisers. 

What do you plan to do with the rest of your time on the committee? 

I’m trying to keep the social media pages a safe and happy place for students as an alternative to all the pandemic posts we’re all being bombarded with. I’ve been sharing student work and I’ve been writing blog posts like these to keep things positive by covering topics like International Happiness Day and tomorrow, I’ll be posting one focusing on the positive impacts that Coronavirus has had on the world. I’m also working with Paige to think up ways we can still communicate and spend time together, through digital events like quizzes, coffee mornings, Netflix watch parties and more, so keep an eye out if you’d be interested in any of those!

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