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HE Student Union Executive Committee Candidates 21/22

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

Hey everyone,

Make your voice heard by voting for your HE (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) Student Union Executive Committee 2021/22 on the form sent via your emails.

Not sure who to vote for? Read over the manifestos below!


Harriet Moore

Student Union President


Vice-President for Higher Education (HE) (and Student Governor) - Emmeline Kwaan

Over the last 18 months I have become increasingly involved in issues that affect us all within the college. After being nominated by my cohort to be their student rep it became a passion. Despite the obvious changes going on around us all during that time it was and still is essential to ensure that we all feel as though our studies are being supported. Not just on the academic side of things but also with regards to our emotional and physical wellbeing.

I am passionate about ensuring that everyone has a voice and feels heard, especially in an environment such as Plymouth College of Art, that although feels like a small community has many students and each of us is individual in our needs and desires.

I strive to bring about change to benefit all students in a way that is full of fun, energy and enthusiasm. I enjoy being presented with a question or concern raised by a student which I then endeavour to find an answer for. Sometimes there is a need to compromise! But my goal is to ensure that the best result is achieved for the students and the college as a whole.

Many of the activities I have been involved in have been based around the study side of the college. I have been involved in many student staff liaison groups, from the student voice meetings, to Getting to Know you sessions and currently the Craft Window Display meetings. My involvement in these groups is to enable each of us to achieve our full creative potential. This year I attended some Freshers Events and realised quite how much is happening within the College outside of academia and I really want to find out what more we can add to the ever growing list of clubs and societies. Uni life is not just about study, it is about lifelong friends and other skills we can learn.

The College is already championing aspects of sustainability, wellbeing, diversity and inclusivity. I want to work alongside Harriet, the Student Union Executive Committee and the college to ensure the initiatives we have continue and new ones are begun.

If elected I will continue to support my peers and be able to spread that passion out to all corners of the college.

The Student Union team is the link between students and tutors. If this link is strong then the College can thrive. As vice president I will support Harriet in her role of President and ensure that, as Harriet says, all voices are heard.

Sustainability Representative (HE) - Sarah Clarkson

Sustainability and environmental protection are topics that urgently need to be tackled in the face of climate change. Each individual, company, household, institution and university can and should be contributing to make positive changes. Plymouth College of Art is already paving the way regarding environmental sustainability and education, but this needs to be developed and continued.

The areas I would like to focus on if elected are:

1. Individual impact - I will look at how we can make environmentally conscious choices in our personal lives and creative practices and offer practical solutions and advice regarding this; sourcing kits and freebies for students to help you reduce your environmental impact. The main focus areas to begin with will be waste reduction, energy consumption and finances.

2. Organisational impact - I have already partnered with Students Organising for

Sustainability and will develop a proposition for the institution to become as

sustainable as possible, ensuring that the work we do aligns with the UN Sustainable

Development Goals. I will listen to your concerns and raise your issues so that we

can shape a better future together.

3. Community involvement - I will keep you informed of ways that you can be involved with green initiatives within the university and locally; there are so many fantastic opportunities within Plymouth and the surrounding areas that I would love to share with you all.

Focusing on these aims as well as continuing with PCA’s existing commitments and projects will enable us to collectively shape our future into a greener one.

Thank you for reading my manifesto! Please feel free to contact me with any questions at

Sarah Clarkson

Sustainability Representative (HE) - Bethany Mundy

Who am I?

Hi! I’m Beth, I am a third-year Interior Design student, you probably see me walking around with bright hair and colourful clothes. I am also the founder of the cat society and I ran as the sustainability rep last year!

Why me?

Since I have started as a student at the university I would love to make the university waste-free, including creative materials but focusing especially on the waste of paper and supplies. This year, I want to focus more specifically on what you guys find more important within the university and look into the smaller parts of the university, which includes more ways that you can collaborate with the university and doing your part, instead of making you watch the changes along the


What I will do if you elect me?

• Look into a composting program.

• Change to biodegradeable tableware.

• Write a blog about the sustainable items you wish for me to look at for students.

• Look into putting in water butts for some of the water usage.

• Run days where you can swap things you don’t want with others.

• Carry on with points I wanted to do last year like palm-oil free canteen.

• Recyling stations for pens.

• Lower the paper wastage, quick tip, shredded paper turned into mulch can be used

as nutrients around trees.

• Monthly “find me” meetings where I will be around for you to tell me anything you

have noticed that you would like to be more sustainable.

• Create a “most sustainable practice” competition for different courses.

• Run campaigns focusing on key environmental issues, including Plastic Free July,

Cycle September, Sustainable Food Month and more.

LGBTQ+ Representative (HE) - Lí Hughes

Promoting the beauty, anger, joy, and wellbeing of our LGBT+ student community

Utilising the College and Finding a Voice through the Arts

Using the resources provided by the College of Art, I want our LGBT+ students to be able to tell their stories and promote their visibility as individuals and as a community through the arts. I would love the opportunity to collectively organise zines, exhibitions and merchandise dedicated to this. As well as visual arts, I would also like to promote LGBT+ performance arts. I believe it will benefit students to use the SU bar to do so, with events such as drag performances and open mic nights, and to utilise the cinema space for viewing films and media relevant to LGBT+ history, culture, and representation.

Intersectionality and Solidarity

I am dedicated to ensuring the comfort and inclusion of LGBT+ students who may intersect between many minority groups. Meeting the needs of a diverse range of people by listening, researching and problem solving is a priority. I will also be insistent that the LGBT+ society extends solidarity to minority students outside of the LGBT+ community through enthusiastically supporting and engaging with their efforts. I also encourage others to approach me with any criticism they may have and new ideas that may improve their experience within the college and LGBT+ Society.


If you are experiencing an issue that is outside of the college or Student Union’s capacity to solve, I will ensure that they are up to date and well informed on resources tailored to or that otherwise benefit the LGBT+ community.

Emphasis on the “T”

While each member of the community has their struggles, laws, healthcare, media, and societal attitudes in the UK are currently proving to be increasingly violent towards trans individuals. I will not only strive to create a freeing, thoughtful, and comfortable space for trans students, but also promote, support, and engage with action against trans oppression.

Aim to Resolve Issues regarding Administration for Trans Students

I plan to gain clarity on current administrative issues surrounding the old names and dead names of students, and insist on improvements.

Engagement with Nature

Within my time as an LGBT+ volunteer youth worker back home in Ireland, our organisation had a huge focus on engagement with nature. I got to experience firsthand how this inspired contemplation, compassion, and creativity in both myself and others. As part of promoting the wellbeing of LGBT+ students, I’d like to frequently organise time to enjoy activities like skating, flower pressing, foraging, picnics, sketching, crafting, and storytelling while in natural spaces. I believe this will also give us the opportunity to be a more sustainable college society and learn about what we can do to achieve this.

LGBTQ+ Representative (HE) - Erin Lawrence

My name is Erin Lawrence, I am a Trans Woman studying Fine Art and

have lived in Plymouth my whole life!

I really want to make sure PCA is a place where you can come for

support, whether that's because you're distressed or have been attacked

in, or out of college.

I have experienced all kinds of things so hope to be a relatable and

trustworthy rep!

I want to make sure PCA is a place where you can thrive without limits

and where you can truly express yourself without fear and make sure

you are represented, in every aspect!

LGBTQ+ Representative (HE) - Ember Lord

Hello! I'm Ember (she/her) ! im pan and a trans girl and i'm running to be the Lgbtq+ rep for HE i've choses this position because as some who grown up being openly gay and trans and have seenwhat lgbtq+ people go though first hand as well as seeing what my frinds have gone though just becuse of who they are made me want to be able to make a diffrnce even if it the smallest and give back to the community thats help me so much.

I think I'm good for this position for not only my skills. I've had experience by helping run events in my old lgbt+ group “space” located in my home county of Dorset before I moved to plymouth, doing such things as pride or presentations for schools on lgbt+ information. I also hope that anyone can feel free to come talk to me with any issue concerning LGBTQ+ people no matter how big or small.

If i am elected some of the few things i'd like to achieve is:

1.week or bi (ahah bi) weekly meeting for the lgbt society with every week having something to do that different and engaging whether that be something fun or more informational and serious that would help people in the lgbt community

2.bring more support and awareness to the problems we face in the lgbt community from thing like hate crime and trans waiting lists to sexual health and other problems our community faces

3. At Least a day where people are freely able at the uni to have access to a lateral flow test for hiv/aid providing that can happen

4. Hold more advents for things like pride month transgender awareness week and Ttans day of rembernace

5. Possibly have Lecturers and other staff who interact with student to learn a bit more about LGBTQ+ issues and have an informative training on LGBTQ+ students and how to help them while there at uni

6. Friendlier way to be able to change your your name on the system to a preferred one there for anyone who needs to talk about anything to do with beinging queer or trans

8. Put things things in place to help those who are questing or newly come out there that be some to talk to or things like a clothes swap for those who are trans and want to get rid of old clothes for one that reflect them more

9. Provide information on this like where to get a binder and tucking pads, binder and tucking safety , sexual health and drug awareness within the community

10. Put on hella cool fun events for the lgbtq+ community at pca can't all be boring talk :P

Thanks for taking the time to read thousand if you would like to get in contract for anything questions or other wise pls feel free to contact me at or message me @ember_pca_lgbtqrep on instagram

LGBTQ+ Representative (HE) - Fraizer White

"I honestly just want to have fun, because I think that way others will too!"

I am eager to create more opportunities for lgbtq+ folks to socialize

I aim to create a fun and welcoming space for people who are questioning as well as those comfortable in their identity.

I want to be inclusive to every and all identities.

I would aim to work directly with the lgbtq+ society to make your voices heard!

Disability Representative (HE) - Archie McKenzie

About Me Hello! I’m Archie! I grew up as a young carer for my mother, before I developed chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia as a teenager, as well as realising my neurodiversity in recent years! Obviously, disability rights is a huge passion of fime, but more than anything I’m looking forward to hearing your experiences and what I can help improve with the Student Union team. I’m currently studying illustration, second year, and you can usually find me frantically working in the studios!!


As disability representative for PCA SU, I would like to include more inclusivity training for teachers and staff, both to help them understand disabled and neurodivergent students and staff better or answer any questions they might have, and to combat any discrimantion we may face.

For able-bodied and neurotypical students, I would like to release a series of educational zines (made by students!) to inform people of how some disabilities work, common symptoms, solutions, and when and how it is appropriate to help!

With these added, this will improve the experience of being disabled at the college, and encourage those who don’t face these challenges learn and adapt to help those who do!

Accessibility Firstly, I would like to ensure that all talks and briefs are recorded. This makes sure that people who miss lessons through no fault of their own can catch up, but also that those with disabilities that limit the intake of information are able to re-watch these sessions, and perhaps pause and take notes.

I would also like to include a formal content warning policy, making it guaranteed that lecturers will inform students of content in a lecture, seminar or class. If a student does need to leave, that should be excused, and should be checked on by their lecturer or wellbeing, to ensure the mental health of the student. A list of potential warnings would be presented to lectures as things they need to watch out for. It is fine to include this content, but warnings will help those that would possibly be upset.

Lastly, I would like to encourage disabled and neurodivergent people in the college, ar allies if you have something to note, to speak out against issues we face, whether that’s a social issue or a physical need that isn’t being met. We are here to listen!

Community Let's celebrate our wonderfully diverse community, including other minorities within our group, such as ethnic minorities and queer people with disabilties! We'll have disabled and neurodiverse societies and meet ups, supporting those existing ones. We'll share figures and media important to disabled history, especially during awareness events!

We’ll also work with wellbeing, LGBT, ethinic minorities and diversity reps to be as inclusive as possible and getting equal rights for all!

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