CLUBS AND SOCIETIES: I will push for more collaboration between PCA:SU, UP:SU, and M:SU including potential access to clubs and societies. I will also strengthen our own clubs and societies by increasing promotion and funding.
YOUR VOICE HEARD: PCA has an incredibly diverse student base so, to ensure everyone’s needs are met, I will form and personally attend several focus groups including groups for mature students, LGBTQ+ students, intl. students, ext. BA students, MA students, and part-time students.
A SUSTAINABLE COLLEGE: I will push to make PCA as “paperless” as possible by ending the mass-printing of module briefs and essays, ensure that we only use renewable sources of energy, and push for more green spaces around the college.
A VOICE FOR FOUNDATION AND PRE-DEGREE: the voices of undergraduates are heard through course-specific student-staff meetings, why shouldn’t this be the same for students of foundation and pre-degree? As president, I will ensure your voice finally carries the same weight as undergraduates’.
PROMOTING YOUR ARTWORK: I will ensure that more student artwork is displayed around the college in hallways, classrooms, and communal areas such as the library and canteen. I will also work to set up regular student-led exhibitions in the students’ union space.
MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING: as someone trained in mental health first aid I understand the challenges surrounding this topic. I will work alongside student support to ensure mental health issues are discussed and students are supported in the best way possible.
A BETTER CANTEEN: I will reduce queues in our canteen by pushing for a second till and improve the quality of service with regards to allergens and dietary requirements (including religious reqs.)
A PRESENT PRESIDENT: I will make myself easily available by basing myself primarily in the communal areas in each of our campuses so that you can find me at all times for whatever you need (or just for a chat)!
SHAPE YOUR SU: every aspect of PCA should be decided by the students - the SU should be no different. As president, I will ensure you have more of a say in the events your SU holds (through polls, questionnaires, & student meetings).
A BEER GARDEN: I will push for a beer garden area on the decking between the students’ union and canteen.
A SMOKING SHELTER: I will push for a smoking shelter somewhere on campus. The current lack of one is not fair on anyone, smokers and non-smokers alike.
MORE CHOICE IN YOUR SU BAR: I will push for more options to be made available in the students’ union bar such as beer/cider taps and spirit dispensers.
Still not convinced? If I can change your mind (if you have any questions or just want a chat), please feel free to get in touch with me by messaging me on any of my social media pages or emailing me at jamesvhalton@gmail.com.
Artwork by Jess Holloway