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Spooktober Newsletter

AUP Students' Union

Updated: Nov 15, 2019

Freshers Week 2019

Freshers week 2019 was a great success. We’re very grateful to everyone that came to our events and we hope that you’ve had as much fun as we have. Our personal highlights are:

Hotspot Tour, where many of you may remember (or not be able to remember) trying your first “Terminator”!

Drink and Draw, during which our Students’ Union bar reached capacity for the first time in its history!

Tie-dye Lunch, we loved seeing you all design your whacky t-shirts, tote bags, and socks, and we hope to see you wearing them around campus!

Pilates with pigs at Pennywell Farm. Congratulations to those of you who managed to make it through the challenging pilates routine and we hope you all enjoyed cuddling the little piglets as much as we did!

We base our events on student engagement and suggestions where possible, so please tell us your highlights and feedback too.

Your Students’ Union

We’re here to help you have an enjoyable few years at PCA. Our team consists of;

Rowena Murphy, Student Union President;

Paige Nolan, Student Union Manager;

Jamie Halton & Gabrielle Lillywhite, Student Union Supervisors;

Harriet Moore, Marketing & Enterprise Lead;

Ben Cox, LGBTQ+ Representative;

Kate Summerhayes, Volunteers & Charities Lead;

Our team of Student Union Fresher Stewards, of whom many of you will recognise from our Freshers events;

Photograph by Harriet Moore.

Our huge team of Student Representatives, of which you are able to become a part.

If you have a question for us please pop into our office. It’s located just outside the Students’ Union. If you can’t find it please ask reception and they will point you to us.

Students’ Union Bar Nights

Your Students’ Union Bar will be open on:

Mondays & Tuesdays (5 p.m. - 9 p.m.)

Fridays (4 p.m. - 6 p.m.)

Our drinks are nice and cheap at around £2 for some tins/bottles including Fosters, Bud, and Strongbow. Additionally, we have craft beers such as Blue Moon, Camden Hells, and Desperados for £2.50. If you need that Disco Room fix but PRYZM is closed, we also sell WKD for £1.50 a bottle…

We also open our bar nights for special events (which are listed below), and we are looking for your suggestions on this! If you want an indie night, an emo night, a drum and bass night, etc, let us know!

Clubs and Societies

Clubs and societies are a great way to make new friends and explore new activities. We’re proud to say that we have a variety of clubs and societies both new and old. Some of our most popular currently include:

Film Society

Rock Climbing Society

Surfing Society

Dungeons & Dragons Society

Yoga Society

If you’re interested in joining one of these or wish to learn about our other societies, please pop into our office or check out the Clubs and Societies page.

Upcoming Events and Dates of Importance

October 21st - Horror-themed bar night - during which we will screen a horror film chosen by you! (Look out for a poll on our SU Instagram account story).

October 28th - Halloween Drink and Draw - there will be pumpkins to decorate, Halloween-based prompts, and our bar will be open.

October 29th - Halloween PCA SU x Lush Evening - you’ll test all kinds of Lush products (including ones released specifically for Halloween) and have the opportunity to hand-make your very own bath-bomb! Grab your tickets for this one quickly, last time we sold out! (Tickets £10 - kick-off 7 p.m.)

Executive Committee Elections

Every new academic year that begins requires another election to decide who will be on our important executive committee. There will be another post following this one that will explain the finer-details but, for now, all you need to know is the following:

You may run for the following positions:

Vice President

LGBTQ+ Representative

Marketing & Enterprise Lead

Volunteers & Charities Lead

Equality & Diversity Representative

Events & Entertainment Lead

Sports Representative

Photograph by Alice Conway.

The schedule of the election is as follows:

October 7th - nominations open - this is when you can put yourself forward to be a running candidate

October 25th - nominations close

October 28th - candidates are announced

November 4th - campaigning begins

November 25th - voting begins

November 29th - voting ends - results will be announced at a bar night in the evening.

I hope you all have a great month,

Jamie Halton, SU Supervisor

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Where to find us:
Arts University Plymouth Students' Union, Arts University Plymouth, Tavistock Place, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AT

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