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Beth Evans - Presidential Candidate 2023/24

Hi, my name is Beth (They/Them) and I’m a third year Fine Art student. I make conceptual installations and sarcastic but sincere cartoons under the online persona ‘BEF’. I recently self-published a collection of poetry called ‘Love Is A Flammable Thing’ and in my spare time I teach myself circus tricks.

I am passionate about problem solving and finding creative - and effective solutions. I am also confident in presenting my ideas to groups. During my second year in Sixth form, I was the Environmental Representative in the School Council, which was a role I applied for despite it not actually existing which demonstrates my ability to effectively use my initiative and realise my ideas.

As a freelance Artist and self published Author, I have gained a lot of skills which would make me an effective Student Union President. For example, managing my time and balancing multiple projects at once. I also know how important it is to have support networks in place to make that achievable which something I would be eager to facilitate as the SU President, whether that is creating more opportunities to sell work on campus, sharing details for events outside of the uni or holding spaces for other creatives to come together as a community and share their experiences.

Another goal I would have as the SU President would be providing materials or events to help reduce the risk of students reaching creative burnout, especially leading up to deadlines.

As Student Representative for my course, I have first hand experience of communicating between students and staff and working with both groups to find solutions. I also volunteer as a workshop assistant, leading group activities so working with teams is something I am proficient at.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto and for considering me for the role of SU president. It would be brilliant to work with you all.

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