Emily Watkins and Beth Evans
27th August 2024
As deadlines approach, you might find your stress levels increasing or your workload feeling unbalanced, but fear not! We've put together some top tips for keeping calm and staying on top of your studies.
Check out the ideas below and remember that we're here to support you. You've got this!

ONE: Check your unit guide again, so that you know what you are being marked on and use this to make sure you are hitting those learning outcomes.
TWO: Make sure you eat, sleep and go outside. Even though your work is important, your physical and mental health is important too. Take a break, drink some water and come back refreshed and re-motivated. You'll be so much more productive for it.
THREE: Get help if you need it! There are loads of staff members that are happy to give you help and support with your hand in. The Academic Skills team can help with writing, time management, critical thinking and presentation skills; the Library team offer support in research and referencing; Digital Education can help you with using University technology, such as Google Suite; Student Support can help you with your mental health and wellbeing; the Careers team can support you with finding part time work, updating your CV and finding professional opportunities for you; Registry can provide guidance on resubmission and grades; and we, the Students' Union has the Student Union Food Bank that is accessible to all students, and runs events so you can enjoy studying just that bit more! Don't forget to utilise our Quiet Contemplation Room if you need a gentle place to to take a minute.
FOUR: Ask a friend to proofread for you, and offer to do the same for them. Settle down in the library for some quiet reading time or pair it with a fun activity. Bake some cupcakes and read each others' work whilst the cakes are in the oven and be rewarded with a sweet treat once you're done.
FIVE: Know your key dates. Stay in the loop of how and when you need to hand in on Google Classroom and when you have any presentations or other assessed events.
SIX: Utilise your Pastoral Tutorials. They are there as a check point so that your tutors can help you if you are in need of some more general support. They can also help signpost you to other resources that might be beneficial to your overall wellbeing or improve how much you're enjoying your time as a student here.
SEVEN: Plan something fun for after you hand in, to keep you motivated. It could be anything from a night in with your flatmates watching films and ordering takeout, or a meal out with your family and/or friends.
A bit of last minute stress is normal and can even be helpful, but make sure you are okay. Talk to your tutor or another member of staff if you are having trouble - we are here to help!